Sela Grain

Special Fertilizer for Extensive Crops

Sela Grain is a special product based on free amino acids, nitrogen, and micronutrients. it is mainly developed to prevent and correct similar insufficiencies caused by deficiencies or imbalances in absorption of these elements in all crops.

Sela Grain is fastly absorbed by plants to provide a quick effect. Its balanced formula promotes photosynthesis and increases respiration reactions.

Sela Grain is recommended to be applied in oilves fertilization programs to increase vegetative growth and strengths plant vigor. It increases sprouting, fattening, and fruit setting.


Free Amino Acids 10.00% w/w 11.90% w/v
Total Nitrogen (N) 1.50% w/w 1.79% w/v
Organic Nitrogen 1.40% w/w 1.67% w/v
Boron (B) water-soluble 0.50% w/w 0.60% w/v
Cobalt (Co) water-soluble 0.50% w/w 0.60% w/v
Copper (Cu) water-soluble 0.50% w/w 0.60% w/v
Iron (Fe) water-soluble 0.80% w/w 0.95% w/v
Manganese (Mn) water-soluble 0.80% w/w 0.35% w/v
Molybdenum (Mo) water-soluble 0.30% w/w 0.35% w/v
Zinc (Zn) water-soluble 0.30% w/w 0.95% w/v
Present Amino Acids:
ASP - VAL - SER- GLU (7.0%) - ILE - GLY (2.5%) - LEU - HIS - ALA
pH = 5.0 ± 1                1 L = 1.19 kg.


Sela Grain is recommended for all types of crops: fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, Extensive and ornamental crops.

Doses and directions for use: 

Extensive crops 0.7 - 1 L/Ha 1st Treatment: At tillering stage
2nd Treatment: In pre-flowering


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