
Plants react to aggressions through different defense responses. Mechanical barriers consist of the increase of production and deposition of substances capable of containing pathogen invasion. Chemical barriers consist of the increase of concentration or activity of defense proteins and the synthesis of phenolic compounds and phytoalexins. SELAGRO products have been widely used in plant disease control showing impressive results and a low impact on the environment and man.

Sela Cobre

Sela Cobre is a plant protection activator product enriched with phosphorus, potassium, and copper. Sela Cobre is specially developed to stimulate plant defense mechanisms and increase...

Sela Chito

Sela Chito is a plant protection activator product enriched with chitosan. Sela Chito is specially developed to stimulate plant defense mechanisms and increase cellular wall natural...

Hummer Hot

Hummer Hot is a product specially developed to eradicate all phases of nematode (eliminating eggs, larval stages, and whole worms). Hummer Hot is a product specially developed to eradicate...


Rocky is a natural product that consists of natural plant extracts, as well as natural oils, and polyunsaturated fatty acids which work by contact to the body of nematodes and eliminates...

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