
Agricultural biostimulants are biological or biologically derived fertilizer additives and similar products that are used in crop production to enhance plant growth, health, and productivity. They might achieve this by:  Improving the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism to induce yield increases and enhanced crop quality. Increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses. Facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation, and use. Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including sugar content,  Enhancing certain physicochemical properties of the soil and fostering the development of complementary soil microorganisms.

Sela Nitro

Sela Nitro is a nitrogen-based fertilizer with micronutrients that is important in the prevention and control of nitrogen deficiency or imbalances. Sela Nitro promotes plant vegetative...

Sela Alga

Sela Alga is a high-power biostimulant product specially developed to increase plant metabolic activity. Sela Alga contains a natural extract of marine algae, NPK, and molybdenum. Sela Alga...

Amino Zone

Amino Zone is a product enriched with amino acids, organic matter, and micronutrients. Its specialized formula promotes different biological processes during different plant development...

Sela Amino

Sela Amino is a product enriched in organic matter, amino acids, vegetal polysaccharides, and micronutrients. Sela Amino contains a balanced formula that confer nutrients availability for...


Aminat is a purified fertilizer that contains amino acids, nitrogen, and a high percentage of organic matter developed to promote plant growth and development. It can be used for root...

Super Root

Super Root is a product enriched with amino acids, phosphorus, and soluble potassium. Super Root is recommended to be applied via fertigation. Its balanced formula confers the optimum...


G-Root is a special product based on organic matter, potassium, calcium and saccharides. Its formula contains seaweed extract that confer its biostimulating activity. It enhances root...

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