Sela Ripe

Ripening and Sugars Induce

Sela Ripe is a liquid fertilizer enriched with amino acids, potassium, boron, molybdenum, ad zinc. It is specially developed to prevent and correct similar insufficiencies caused by deficiencies or imbalances in the absorption of these elements in all crops.

Sela Ripe is easily dissolved and fastly absorbed by plants to provide a quick effect. Its high calcium content ensures fruit uniformity and elasticity during handling and transportation.

Sela Ripe enhances fruit size, setting, appearance, uniformity and quality. It also increases sugar transformation and content, boosts ripening and decreases its acidity.


Free Amino Acids 4.00% w/w 4.72% w/v
Total Nitrogen (N) 3.00% w/w 3.54% w/v
Ureic Nitrogen (N) 1.80% w/w 2.12% w/v
Organic Nitrogen (N) 1.20% w/w 1.43% w/v
Potassium (K2O) Water soluble 7.00% w/w 8.26% w/v
Iron (Fe) Chelated by EDDHA 1.00% w/w 1.18% w/v
Manganese (Mn) Chelated by EDTA 0.50% w/w 0.59% w/v
Molybdenum (Mo) water-soluble 0.10% w/w 0.11% w/v
Zinc (Zn) Chelated by EDTA 0.50% w/w 0.59% w/v
Polysaccharides 15.00% w/w 17.70% w/v
Vitamins 0.10% w/w 0.11% w/v
pH=9.0 ± 1                 1 L = 1.18 kg.


Sela Ripe application is recommended on any fruit crop when we want to speed up fruit formation and/or raise sugar content (degrees Brix).

Doses and directions for use:

Foliar Radicular
Fruit vegetables 250 - 500 cc / Hl 2.5 - 5 L/Ha Since the first setting. every 10 - 15 days
Citrus and subtropical crops 250 - 500 cc / Hl 2.5 - 5 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications from ripening
fruit trees, olive trees, and vines 250 - 500 cc / Hl 2 - 3 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications from ripening


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