Sela Mature

Ripening Inducer with Amino Acid

Sela Mature is a special product that contains amino acids, NPK, and polysaccharides

Sela Mature particularly developed to promote important physiological processes during the plant’s life cycle. It enhances vegetative growth, root development, and microbial activity in the soil.

Sela Mature ensures fruit setting, uniformity and quality. It also increases sugar transformation and content, boosts ripening, and decreases its acidity.


Free Amino Acids 6.00% w/w  7.89% w/v
Total Nitrogen (N) 6.00% w/w 1.32% w/v
Organic Nitrogen 1.00% w/w 1.32% w/v
Phosphorus (P2O5) water-soluble 6.00% w/w 7.89% w/v
Potassium (K2O) water-soluble 7.00% w/w 9.21% w/v
It also contains: 20% Mono, dipolysaccharides
Present Amino acids:
ASP – VAL – GLU (4.21%)– PHE – SER – ILE – GLY (1.50%) – LEU – THR – LYS - GLN – ARG – HIS – ALA – PRO – TYR – HYP - MET - ASN - CYS
pH = 7.4 ± 1                   1 L = 1.315 kg.


Sela Mature is recommended for all types of crops: fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, extensive and ornamental crops

Doses and directions for use:

Foliar Radicular
Fruit vegetables 0.5 - 1.5 L/Ha 1.5 - 2.5 L/Ha Every 10 - 15 days since the transplant
Leaf vegetables 0.5 - 1.5 L/Ha 1.5 - 2.5 L/Ha Every 10 - 15 days since the transplant
Citrus and subtropical crops 1 - 1.5 L/Ha 2 - 2.5 L/Ha In pre-flowering, flowering, and fattening
fruit trees, olive trees, and vines 1 - 1.5 L/Ha 2 - 2.5 L/Ha In pre-flowering, flowering, and fattening
Extensive and ornamental 0.5 - 1 L/Ha 2 - 4 L/Ha 1 - 2 applications after transplant



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