Sela B-Mo

Boron and Molybdenum Solution

Sela B-Mo is a special fertilizer contains Boron and Molybdenum, developed to prevent and correct similar insufficiencies caused by deficiencies or imbalances in boron and molybdenum absorption in all crops.

Sela B-Mo enhances promotes resistance to environmental stresses.

Sela B-Mo is recommended to use in fertilization programs to ensures pollination, blooming, and fruit setting. It prevents chlorosis and necrosis, especially in endpoint tissues.


Boron (B) water-soluble 6.00% w/w 7.50% w/v
Molybdenum (Mo) water-soluble 3.00% w/w 3.75% w/v
pH=7.0 ± 1                         1 L = 1.25 kg.


Sela B-Mo is recommended for all types of crops: fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, extensive and ornamental crops

Doses and directions for use

Foliar Radicular
vegetables 200 - 300 cc / Hl 1.5 – 3 L/Ha 3 – 4 application
Citrus and subtropical crops 150 – 250 cc / Hl 2 - 4 L/Ha 3 – 4 application
fruit trees, olive trees, and vines 200 - 300 cc / Hl 1.5 – 3 L/Ha 3 – 4 application
Extensive and ornamental 200 - 300 cc / Hl 2 - 4 L/Ha 3 – 4 application


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