Sela Fit

Sugar Inducer & Increases Calibre and Size

Sela Fit is a liquid fertilizer enriched with potassium in a water-soluble form. It is specially developed to prevent and correct similar insufficiencies caused by deficiencies or imbalances in the absorption of potassium in all crops.

Sela Fit  is easily dissolved and fastly absorbed by plants to provide a quick effect. It is developed for foliar application and is recommended for fertilization programs as a complement for basal dressing, or when the need to potassium is increased.

Sela Fit can be specifically used during sprouting, fattening, and fruit ripening.

Sela Fit enhances fruit size, setting, appearance, uniformity, and quality.


Potassium (K2O) water-soluble 33.00% w/w 50.16% w/v
pH = 11.4 ± 1                    1 L = 1.52 kg.


Sela Fit is recommended for all types of crops: fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, extensive and ornamental crops

Doses and directions for use:

Foliar Radicular
Fruit vegetables 2 - 2.5 L/Ha 2.5 - 5 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications from setting
Leaf vegetables 2 - 2.5 L/Ha 2.5 - 5 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications from setting
Citrus and subtropical crops 2.5 - 3 L/Ha 3.5 - 5 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications in fattening and ripening
fruit trees, olive trees, and vines 2.5 - 3 L/Ha  3.5 - 5 L/Ha 2 - 3 applications in fattening and ripening
Extensive and ornamental 1.5 - 2 L/Ha   2 - 3 applications


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