Sela Iron Powder

Solid Deficiency Correctors

Sela Iron Powder is an iron complexed product specially developed to correct iron deficiencies or imbalances in its absorption.

Sela Iron Powder can be applied via foliar or fertigation and it is easily and fastly absorbed by plants. It's especially recommended for flood irrigation and drip irrigation.

Sela Iron Powder promotes vegetative growth, enhances crop health, and empowers different growth stages


Iron (Fe) Chelated by EDDHA 6.00% w/w
Iron (Fe) Chelated by EDDHA ortho-ortho 4.80% w/w


Sela Iron Powder is recommended for all types of crops: fruit trees (pip and pit fruits), citrus, vegetables, extensive and ornamental crops

Doses and directions for use

Foliar Radicular
Vegetables 100 – 200 g / 100 L of water  5- 10 kg /Ha 3 – 4 applications
Citrus and subtropical crops 100 – 200 g / 100 L of water 5 – 15 Kg /Ha 3 – 4 applications
fruit trees, olive trees, and vines 100 – 200 g / 100 L of water 4 – 6 Kg /Ha 3 – 4 applications
Extensive and ornamental 100 – 200 g / 100 L of water 0.5 – 3 Kg /Ha 3 – 4 applications


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